In the FAQs below, we answer a few questions that you may have as you begin the ReHome process. Please know that the FAQs only provide a small snapshot of the process. We encourage you to go to the ReHoming Tips page and the Read More pages available to you.
Reach out to reputable rescue groups or humane societies in your area. If your pet is a specific breed, then contact reputable breed-specific rescues. Find these groups by doing an internet search; by going to Petfinder.com (put your zip code in for organizations near you); and by asking your veterinarian if he can suggest a reputable rescue.
Most reputable rescues and humane societies will take their pets back or help with re-homing the pet if an adopter can no longer care for them. Their return-pet policy may be written in the actual adoption contract.
Part of the re-homing process for any pet is to do a “veterinary reference check” by calling the applicant’s current (and past) vet. By doing so, you can find out how well the applicant has taken care of their pet’s medical needs — this will give you a good idea about whether or not you can count on them to give your pet the care that he/she deserves.
Even though it’s hard to think about, you need to understand that there are people who will harm animals, particularly those they get cheaply or for free! Be alert for applicants who may want to “flip” your pet to make money, or to use your pet as “bait” for a dog-fighting ring. Also, be aware that small pets can end up in cruel situations too! Be very diligent in checking out applicants, because terrible things do happen!
Remember, your pet is relying on YOU to make a good decision. Your decision, whether good or bad, will impact your pet for the rest of his life!
If a potential adopter can’t afford to pay a fee for your pet, then can they afford veterinary care, grooming care, good food, and everything else your pet will need during the rest of its life? Check with your local humane societies and rescues and ask what their adoption fee would be for a pet like yours. For small pets, you can also check with your local pet store. Ideally, the rehome fee should be at least equal to their fees.
Remember, though, that asking for an appropriate rehome fee doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be screening out the “bad guys.” THE most important thing you can do for your pet is to thoroughly screen any and all applicants! Trust your instincts!
Sometimes it takes several weeks (or more!) for a pet to truly bond with their new family. During this time, if he were to escape from the new home, the micro-chip should help lead those finding him back to the registered owner. A micro-chip can be implanted by a veterinarian or at a low-cost clinic. See the blog article on our website for more information about the importance of micro-chipping pets: Why should you microchip your pet?
Did you know that by spaying or neutering your pet, you can do your part to help control the pet-homelessness crisis? So many healthy dogs and cats are euthanized each year just because there are not enough good homes to go around. Spaying and neutering is therefore truly lifesaving.
Also, consider this: an altered pet may find a new home faster than a pet who has not been fixed. Additionally, there are some specific behavioral and medical benefits to spaying and neutering.
If you would like to spay or neuter your pet, please call your local animal shelter or humane society — and/or other humane rescue groups in your area. They should be able to help you find options for free or low-cost spay/neuter surgeries in the county where you live.
If you would like more information about the benefits of spaying and neutering pets, you can. Click Here to find a clinic.