Our Story
About ReHomeYourPets
People need to ReHome pets for a variety of reasons. Many families, for personal and economic reasons, have to make the difficult decision to ReHome their pet. We know that whatever the reason, it is very painful to say goodbye to a beloved pet. This is why you want to do everything you can to place your pet in the best home possible.

About The Founder
Sandy Mills was born and raised in the Central Piedmont area of North Carolina and has a professional background in interior design. Although she enjoyed having her own design business for a number of years, she soon found herself devoting more and more time and energy to the local Humane Society, where she served in several leadership roles. In 2007 she and a dear friend, Marilyn Farmer, founded (and still maintain) a local non-profit small-breed canine Rescue, Forever Home Canine Rescue. After helping countless individuals in the community with one-on-one advice about how to responsibly ReHome their pets, Sandy felt divinely led to create this website, realizing that there was simply no way to individually help all of the people who need critical information about responsibly ReHoming a pet. ReHomeYourPets.com is the result of many years of thought, effort, and – most especially – prayer. It is Sandy’s heartfelt wish that everyone, everywhere can and will benefit from the information and tools provided here –and in particular, the pets themselves, who are completely dependent on their guardians to find them safe and loving forever homes.
Our Story
ReHomeYourPets was created to encourage and empower people everywhere to ReHome pets responsibly. The mission of the website is to help prevent pets from ending up, through no fault of their own, in a situation where they would be abused or neglected — or in a kill-shelter, where chances are very high that they would be euthanized. Humane societies and rescue organizations are only able to help as many pets as space allows, so a way to slow down the flow of animals who are in the pipelines leading to shelters and rescue groups is needed.
Pets must count on their guardians to provide them with the best home possible… whether that is in their current home or with another family. We all lead very busy lives, and taking the time to find a good home for a pet isn’t always quick or easy. However, the tips and tools on this website should help to make the process easier – and you may rest better at night, knowing that you did the very best you could to provide your pet with a loving and safe home.
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ReHomeYourPets is not a 501(c)(3) organization, so contributions are not tax-deductible. We are an educational online service company sharing the “ReHome Responsibly” message with our worldwide community. However, there are costs involved in keeping the website hosted, updated and secure. If you would like to support our cause, please go to the Support Us page.
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