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Posted on:

June 20, 2024

Pet’s Information

Pet’s Name: Aria


I've had Aria since she was a few weeks old. She is 6 years old. She has always been so sweet, and loves to cuddle. But my husband's allergies have been getting worse and worse as time has gone on. We can't handle it anymore. Also, more recently she has been very sensitve to noise. She doesn't like loud enviornments and becomes very stressed. It would be good for to go to a home of a single adult or a couple without kids. I am also willing to give you everything that I have that belongs to her (litter box, left over food & litter, brush, etc)

Breed: american shorthair

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: July 1, 2018

Color/Markings: mostly back, white white socks & a white tummy

Weight: 12lbs.

Size: Medium

Re-Home Fee: $50

Reason for re-homing:

My husband's allergies have become worse as time has gone on. And she is getting stressed by my small children.

Spayed or Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: No

Current on Vaccines: Yes

House-trained: Yes

Crate-trained: No

Litterbox-trained: Yes

Pet Friendly: Unsure

Child Friendly: Unsure

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