Divinity – Union City, NJ


Owner’s Information

Owner’s Name:

Cara Mastro

Contact Info:



Union City, NJ

Posted on:

July 18, 2024

Pet’s Information

Pet’s Name: Divinity


Divinity is a loving, playful, energetic, loyal, gentle soul. She is my everything. Her favorite toy is a squeaky ball. She could run back-and-forth for hours just playing ball. She also loves her naps, especially naps with belly rubs. She’s a great companion and anyone would be blessed to have her.

Breed: Rottweiler

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: October 15, 2022

Color/Markings: Black and tan

Weight: 97lbs.

Size: Large

Re-Home Fee: $50

Reason for re-homing:

I lost my job today and have been financial struggling a lot my lease ends the end of this month and I have to stay with a friend but their apartment doesn’t allow dogs. Divinity is everything to me never in a million years did I think I would have to give her up she has brought so much love into my life. I wish to stay in contact with potential new owners and to be allowed regular visitation to see her.

Spayed or Neutered: No

Microchipped: Yes

Current on Vaccines: Yes

House-trained: Yes

Crate-trained: Yes

Litterbox-trained: No

Pet Friendly: Yes

Child Friendly: Yes

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