Doña bollas – Houston , TX


Owner’s Information

Owner’s Name:

Ana Canela

Contact Info:

[email protected]


Houston, TX

Posted on:

July 11, 2024

Pet’s Information

Pet’s Name: Doña bollas


Hey my names is Doña Bollas I’m currently about 4 months old I have has my parvo shot and have also been dewormed I’m looking for a family who will love and take care of me.

Breed: American pit bull terrier

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: April 12, 2024

Color/Markings: All black with some white

Weight: 12lbs.

Size: Medium

Re-Home Fee: $50.00

Reason for re-homing:

These are puppy’s that I have because I found the mom walking the streets pregnant and then had her babies is is now fix but I need help finding her babies homes I’m keeping the mom but already have another dog if my own please help me find these puppies homes .

Spayed or Neutered: No

Microchipped: No

Current on Vaccines: No

House-trained: No

Crate-trained: Yes

Litterbox-trained: No

Pet Friendly: Yes

Child Friendly: Yes

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