Shiloh – Princeton , TX


Owner’s Information

Owner’s Name:

Paula Melendez

Contact Info:

[email protected]


Princeton , TX

Posted on:

July 22, 2024

Pet’s Information

Pet’s Name: Icelynn


Shiloh is 1 year old, she is current on most vaccines, no chronic medical history.
She was initially timid with us but after taking her on a walk the first day she opened up to us. What caught our attention immediately was she was the only dog in the shelter that was calm and quiet while others barked. She quickly adapted to our home and is very sweet and gentle. Once you get her going and playing she can be a little rough, especially with other dog friends. They called her the “Quarterback” at the shelter. We have two children under the age of 2. We think it be best for her to be in a home with older children or adults only. I think she can be trained to be around smaller children but we don’t have the space to keep them separated as we liked. She loves to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!! Loves her chew toys!!!!

Breed: Mixed breed/ Labrador

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: December 16, 2022

Color/Markings: Light chocolate and white

Weight: 50lbs.

Size: Large

Re-Home Fee: $75

Reason for re-homing:

She’s the most gentle dog and very playful. Still learning and adjusting. So with that being said she has nipping problems with our babies, 1 and 2 yr old. She’ll try to chase them or think it’s a game. I think it’s best for her to be in a home with older children or adults only. She’s a couch potato and prefers to lay down with you and sleep. She knows command sit, potty trained and kennel trained.

Spayed or Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: Yes

Current on Vaccines: Yes

House-trained: No

Crate-trained: Yes

Litterbox-trained: Yes

Pet Friendly: Unsure

Child Friendly: Unsure

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