Owner’s Information

Owner’s Name:

Kayla Walter

Contact Info:

[email protected]



Posted on:

July 13, 2024

Pet’s Information

Pet’s Name: Kora


Kora is a beautiful 4 year old grey and white girl. Her birthday is 8/23/2020. She loves being with people and will often seek out attention and pets. She likes to hang out in the sun. Likes laying in window sills and chattering at the birds flying by. Kora is not fond of other cats or dogs, she would thrive in a single pet home. She would be the perfect best friend. Kora will need a professional teeth cleaning at some point in her life. She has very soft fur that is long and does require regular grooming.

Skills that Kora would like you to know °She is a professional biscuit maker and top kneader °Top hunter of the best catnap spots °A decent conversationalist, will always greet you °Purring queen °Professional cuddler °Polite eater °Gentlest head bunter around

Her favorite things to do include °Napping in the sun °Meal times °Sitting with people

Her life goals include °Be loved and to give love °Always have a person there to kneader, bunt, and purr at °Nap times with her people

Breed: Domestic Long Hair

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: August 23, 2020

Color/Markings: White & Gray

Weight: 8lbs.

Size: Small

Re-Home Fee: $50

Reason for re-homing:

We recently relocated and are unable to care for her anymore.

Spayed or Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: Yes

Current on Vaccines: Yes

House-trained: Yes

Crate-trained: Yes

Litterbox-trained: Yes

Pet Friendly: No

Child Friendly: Yes

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