Pixelz – Miami, FL


Owner’s Information

Owner’s Name:

George Elkhouri

Contact Info:

[email protected]


miami, FL

Posted on:

June 14, 2024

Pet’s Information

Pet’s Name: Pixelz


I adopted Pixelz 5 months ago from Miami Dade Animal Shelter, he was so sad in that cage 🙁 he was confiscated from his previous owner. Pixelz is 3 years 8 months is very loving and protective towards me but is timid towards others. He is an amazing dog and funny! loves belly and butt scratches. He has had all his vaccines and had a medical check-up just last week. With some attention and training would be a great lifetime companion. He loves to be loved and always wants to be petted. I really want to find Pixelz a loving home, I do believe he is misunderstood and requires direction from someone knowledgeable. I have found it difficult to introduce him to people because he is timid and to be honest I think that's mostly my fault, I'm more stressed out then he is :-(.

Breed: Shepard/Terrier Mix

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: October 1, 2020

Color/Markings: White with Black spots

Weight: 93lbs.

Size: Large

Re-Home Fee: $75.00

Reason for re-homing:

I am being relocated by my company to Dubai and am not able to take him with me.

Spayed or Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: Yes

Current on Vaccines: Yes

House-trained: Yes

Crate-trained: No

Litterbox-trained: No

Pet Friendly: Unsure

Child Friendly: Unsure

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