Tater Tot – Columbus, OH


Owner’s Information

Owner’s Name:


Contact Info:

[email protected]


Columbus, OH

Posted on:

July 22, 2024

Pet’s Information

Pet’s Name: Tater Tot


Tater Tot was found as a stray in Columbus, Ohio in the middle of May. Tater was very underweight and had some injuries across his body, including his tail which led to him needing an amputation. He is believed to predominately be a Boxer mix, possibly with Rhodesian Ridgeback as he has the classic coloring down his back.

Tater is believed to be between 1-3 years old and is neutered, current on his vaccinations, and microchipped. The microchip has not been registered to a person yet and can easily be done by calling HomeAgain to add owner information.

Tater is a very loving and energetic dog. He always wants to be around people and if allowed, would be in a lap 24/7. He loves to cuddle up and play, although he isn’t a dog that needs constant attention. He is content to sit and play with a toy on his own, or just lay down in his bed nearby if he isn’t the current focus. Tater loves to play fetch and have a little tug of war between throws. He is a powerful chewer and should not have toys that are plush or easily torn to avoid the possibility of him swallowing pieces and getting an obstruction. His current toys mostly consist of rubber like material or rope. Although he has destroyed some of his toys, he has never had an issue with getting into/destroying other things around the house like clothes, shoes, trash, etc. Due to his high energy, he needs an owner who is willing to walk him (1 hour total daily, currently doing two 30-minute walks/day) and spend time playing with him. Tater would do best at a home with a yard where he can run around and play.

Tater appeared to have little training or experience with other animals prior to being found. He is currently living with two cats and does not show aggression towards them but is still learning how to safely interact/play with them. Tater has done well with other dogs while supervised but would need slow introductions and to have an owner who can correct him when his energetic and excited nature might make him overwhelming to other dogs which could lead to an altercation. Tater currently knows sit, lay down, wait/stay and is still working on shake and spin. Tater does extremely well on leash; he does not pull and sticks close to the side on his own. He is crate trained and has no issues with using the restroom or causing a lot of noise while being crated while no one is home. He had urinated in the house a couple times when he first was brought home, but has not done so for the last couple of weeks and appears mostly housebroken.

Breed: Boxer Mix

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: May 12, 2022

Color/Markings: Tan w/ Brown back stripe

Weight: 35lbs.

Size: Medium

Re-Home Fee: $75

Reason for re-homing:

Tater Tot was a stray dog found that had no owner come forward. Tater was in poor condition when found and I medically fostered him through his surgeries and medical plan to get him back into a healthy state. I live in a small apartment with two cats and there is two pet limit so I am unable to keep him permanently. Due to Tater's energy, I believe he would do best in a house with a yard that he will be able to run around and play in. He is a very sweet boy that I adore, but keeping him permanently is not something I am able to do and just want him to find a great home with owners who will love him and give him the attention he deserves.

Spayed or Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: Yes

Current on Vaccines: Yes

House-trained: Yes

Crate-trained: Yes

Litterbox-trained: No

Pet Friendly: Unsure

Child Friendly: Unsure

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