Zeus – Caledonia, MI


Owner’s Information

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Caledonia, MI

Posted on:

June 26, 2024

Pet’s Information

Pet’s Name: Zeus


He is a very good boy and is potty trained. Loves to snuggle and will be your best friend. He’s not good in a house with other dogs so he will need to be the only dog there!

Breed: Doberman

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: April 20, 2022

Color/Markings: Red

Weight: 66lbs.

Size: Large

Re-Home Fee: $200

Reason for re-homing:

I recently moved into an apartment on the third floor and Zeus is a larger dog. He needs a yard and somewhere he can run around. He does not do well living with other dogs and would need to be in an only dog household!

Spayed or Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: Yes

Current on Vaccines: Yes

House-trained: Yes

Crate-trained: Yes


Pet Friendly: Yes

Child Friendly: Yes

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