Jack Grever

Jack Grever is the founder of Longshot Farms Canine Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, a 150 acre facility in Clover, S.C., where he rehabilitates dogs and trains people to better communicate with their dogs. Jack uses the “LIMA” (least invasive, minimally aversive) methods to modify and shape behaviors in family pets and rescued shelter dogs.

Jack volunteers his time and expertise at various shelters and rescues.  He understands what a distressed dog needs to become a loved and trusted member of the family.

Jack Grever – ACDBC

International Association of Dog Behavior Consultants

Association of Pet Dog Trainers- Professional Member

AKC-CGC Evaluator #90164

Certified Pet Evaluator


Longshot Farms

Canine Behavior & Rehabilitation

Clover, South Carolina

[email protected]